New Opportunities: Southern Company made a number of changes in executive management. Kimberly S. Greene, president and CEO of Southern Company Services, was named executive v.p. and COO of Southern Company. Greene will succeed Mark A. Crosswhite, who was named president and CEO of subsidiary Alabama Power. Crosswhite will assume the role vacated by Charles D. McCrary, who plans to retire. Mark S. Lantrip, formerly treasurer of Southern Company and executive v.p. of finance and treasurer of Southern Company Services, replaces Greene as president and CEO of Southern Company Services. Southern Company Services v.p. of finance and assistant Treasurer Xia Liu will become treasurer of Southern Company and senior v.p. of finance and treasurer of Southern Company Services.

James Y. Kerr II was named general counsel, chief compliance officer, and executive v.p. of Southern Company. Kerr was a partner at McGuireWoods LLP, and previously was a commissioner on the North Carolina Utilities Commission and president of NARUC.
Larry S. Monroe became chief environmental officer and research and environmental affairs senior v.p. of Southern Company Services. Monroe succeeds Christopher M. Hobson, who plans to retire. Monroe was environmental affairs general manager at Georgia Power.
Ameren elected Warner L. Baxter as president and to its board of directors following the planned retirement of chairman and CEO Thomas R. Voss. Since 2009, Baxter has served as the president and CEO of Ameren Missouri and will remain so until a successor is named.
Southern California Edison (SCE) appointed David G. Victor, a University of California, San Diego professor and expert on energy markets, as chairman of a new Community Engagement Panel (CEP) to foster public education and involvement during the decommissioning of the San Onofre nuclear plant.

Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) President and CEO Kenneth W. DeFontes Jr. retired from the company on Feb. 28, 2014, after a 42-year tenure. Upon his retirement, Calvin G. Butler Jr., BGE's senior v.p. of regulatory and external affairs, was named BGE's CEO. Stephen J. Woerner, currently BGE's senior v.p. and CEO, will become president and CEO.
OGE Energy named Chuck Walworth treasurer for OGE and OG&E. He was interim treasurer.
CenterPoint Energy appointed Phillip R. Smith as a director. Smith is president and CEO of Torch Energy Advisors. He served as a partner of KPMG from 2002 until his retirement in 2012.
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) announced that its general counsel, Frank Lindh, is resigning to accept a new position as a partner of Crowell & Moring LLP, a national law firm. Lindh has served as the CPUC's general counsel since June 2008.

Associations: The Clean and Safe Energy (CASEnergy) Coalition named Ambassador Ron Kirk, former U.S. Trade Representative, co-chair. Kirk joins former EPA administrator Christine Todd Whitman, who has served as the coalition's co-chair since its 2006 launch.
America's Natural Gas Alliance (ANGA) appointed Frank J. Macchiarola as executive v.p. of government affairs. Macchiarola joined ANGA from the law firm of Bracewell & Giuliani LLP where he was a partner in the policy resolution group.
Michael T. Burr stepped down as editor-in-chief and associate publisher of Public Utilities Fortnightly, to focus on his role as director and founder of Microgrid Institute and related initiatives.
Boards of Directors: Southern Company elected Linda P. Hudson to its board of directors. Hudson is the retired president and CEO of BAE Systems, where she currently serves as an adviser and outside director.
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