People (March 2014)

Fortnightly Magazine - March 2014

New Opportunities: DTE Energy named Faye Alexander Nelson president of the DTE Energy Foundation and v.p. of public affairs. Previously, she served as president and CEO of the non-profit Detroit Riverfront Conservancy.

Faye Alexander Nelson

PPL Electric Utilities hired Stephanie R. Raymond for the new position of v.p. of transmission and substations. Previously she was CEO of CablenetServices.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Ameren Missouri promoted Fadi Diya to senior v.p. and chief nuclear officer (CNO), replacing Adam Heflin, who left to become CEO and CNO of the Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp. Diya was superintendent of design engineering.

Duke Energy named Catherine S. Stempien v.p. of corporate development, replacing Richard Bates, who left the company. Stempien previously was associate general counsel for Cinergy Corp.

Dominion promoted seven people to v.p. positions: Corynne Arnett was named v.p. of financial management at Dominion Generation; Michael D. Frederick, v.p. of LNG operations; Lee D. Katz, v.p. and general auditor; Mark D. Mitchell, v.p. of generation construction; Brian C. Sheppard, v.p. of pipeline operations; Alma W. Showalter, v.p. of tax; Chester G. "Chet" Wade, v.p. of corporate communications.

Corynne Arnett

The California State Senate confirmed Carla J. Peterman as commissioner on the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). Gov. Jerry Brown originally appointed Peterman to the commission in December 2012. The CPUC also welcomed Michael Picker as newly appointed commissioner. Picker most recently served as Gov. Brown's senior advisor for renewable energy.

Associations: The Alliance to Save Energy's board of directors elected Seattle City Light general manager and CEO Jorge Carrasco as its new co-chair, replacing outgoing National Grid U.S. president Tom King.

The Association for Demand Response & Smart Grid (ADS) elected several members to its board of directors: Mike Alexander (Pacific Gas & Electric), Ward Camp (Landis+Gyr), Seth Frader-Thompson (EnergyHub), Ted Reguly (San Diego Gas & Electric), Judith Schwartz (To the Point), and Howard Smith (Alabama Power).

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

GridWise Alliance elected Tollgrade Communications CEO, Ed Kennedy, to its board of directors.

Michael D. Frederick

The Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) announced its 2013 and '14 board of directors. Jim West was reelected to serve as board chair. West is assistant general manager, customer and energy services, for Snohomish Public Utility District. Other officers elected include: Jeff Bumgarner, director, demand side management, PacifiCorp; John Chatburn, administrator, Idaho governor's office of energy resources; John Francisco, energy services manager, Inland Power; Bob Jenks, executive director, Citizens' Utility Board of Oregon (CUB); Michael D. Jones, power supply and environmental affairs officer, Seattle City Light; Pat McGary, director of energy resources, Clark Public Utilities; Don McMaster, general manager, Cowlitz County Public Utility District; and Chris Robinson, power management manager, Tacoma Power.


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