Don’t confuse hype with your organization’s capability to implement innovative solutions and realize a positive rate of return on your investment.
The ability to achieve higher grid performance and greater customer engagement while at the same time protecting the immense amount of data generated from today’s monitoring, control, and transactional energy operations requires new ways of doing business and revamped analytical solutions. Plenty of people will tell you what those solutions are. But don’t confuse the hype—and there is a lot of it—with your organization’s capability to implement innovative solutions and realize a positive rate of return on your investment (ROI). If you do, you will end up floundering or, at best, making piecemeal progress.

There are several ways you can start the data analytics journey. You may already be well on your way to applying data in several areas. Or your company may have little practical experience in using analytics. Whatever your capabilities, it is important to understand and align those capabilities with your information and operations technology functions. Creating a comprehensive roadmap focused on high-return predictive analytics, with clearly defined destinations and achievable milestones, is the starting point for gaining a better understanding of your customers, their behavior, and their impact on grid operations...