People (October 2012)

Fortnightly Magazine - October 2012

New Opportunities: Northeast Utilities named William P. Herdegen III the new president and COO of Connecticut Light & Power. Most recently, he served as v.p. of transmission and distribution operations at Kansas City Power & Light.

Bill Herdegen, CL&P

Alabama Power elected Scott Moore as v.p. with responsibility for transmission. Moore comes to Alabama Power from Gulf Power, where he was general manager for power delivery.

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NiSource hired Jim L. Stanley as executive v.p. and group CEO for Northern Indiana Public Service Co. Stanley succeeds Jimmy D.Staton, who has led both NIPSCO and NiSource’s gas transmission and storage (NGT&S) operations. With Stanley’s appointment, Staton will serve exclusively as executive v.p. and group CEO for NGT&S. Most recently, Stanley served as senior v.p. and chief distribution officer for Duke Energy’s U.S. electric business.

FirstEnergy promoted Anne Grealy to executive director of state government affairs. Previously, she served as director of federal regulatory affairs in FirstEnergy’s Washington, D.C., office. 

ConEdison Solutions named Richard D. Rathvon as v.p. for retail commodity services. Most recently, Rathvon was senior v.p. at Liberty Power.

Jim Stanley, NiSource

Southwest Power Pool (SPP) regional entity trustees named Ron Ciesiel general manager. He was executive director of compliance and acting general manager. Ciesiel succeeds Stacy Dochoda who left May 1 to become president and CEO of the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council.

Progress Energy Florida, a subsidiary of Duke Energy, named R. Alexander Glenn as state president, succeeding Vincent M. Dolan when he retires at the end of the year. Currently, Glenn is the company’s general counsel.

DCP Midstream appointed Bill Waldheim president. He succeeds CEO and President Mark Borer, who plans to retire. Borer will continue as CEO and as a director through the end of the year, and in an advisory role through March 2013. Waldheim was president of the natural gas liquids, gas, and crude oil logistics business unit for DCP Midstream since 2011.

MDU Resources Group named K. Frank Morehouse as president of the company’s utility group, which includes Montana-Dakota Utilities, Great Plains Natural Gas, Cascade Natural Gas, and Intermountain Gas. Morehouse most recently was executive v.p. and general manager of Intermountain Gas and Cascade Natural Gas. He will assume the position in January, succeeding David L. Goodin, who was named to succeed Terry D. Hildestad as president and CEO of MDU Resources upon Hildestad’s retirement.

Associations: EdisonElectric Institute (EEI) named Ryan Rudominer as executive director of communications. Rudominer came from New Partners Consulting, where he provided strategic messaging, branding and tactical advice.

Anne Grealy, FirstEnergy
EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

The American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity named Robert M. “Mike” Duncan president and CEO. Duncan was chairman and CEO of the Inez Deposit Bank in Eastern Kentucky and has served with the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Cincinnati branch, and the Kentucky Bankers Association.

Boards of Directors: Fluor Corp. elected Armando J. Olivera to its board of directors. Olivera is the retired president and CEO of NextEra subsidiary Florida Power & Light.

Spectra Energy Partners appointed William T. Yardley as a new director on the board of its general partner. Yardley is current group v.p., Spectra Energy Transmission, Northeast.

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