New Opportunities: Southern Company announced changes in the company’s management team. Mark A. Crosswhite, current president and CEO of Gulf Power, will become executive v.p. and COO for Southern Company. Crosswhite assumes the role vacated by Anthony J. Topazi, who plans to retire. Stanley W. Connally Jr. will replace Crosswhite as president and CEO of Gulf Power. John L. Pemberton, previously v.p. of governmental affairs, will succeed Connally as senior v.p. and senior production officer of generation at Georgia Power. Leigh Davis Perry, v.p. of charitable giving for Alabama Power and president of the Alabama Power Foundation, will replace Pemberton as senior v.p. and general counsel for Southern Company operations and Southern Nuclear.

Great Plains Energy and Kansas City Power & Light (KCP&L) appointed Scott Heidtbrink as executive v.p. and COO of KCP&L and greater Missouri operations. Heidtbrink, who was senior v.p. of supply, replaces Terry Bassham, who earlier this year became president and CEO. The companies also named Michael Deggendorf senior v.p. of corporate services. Deggendorf, who was senior v.p. of delivery, now will oversee the company’s new transmission partnership, Transource. Also, Kevin Noblet, senior director of renewables and gas generation, was promoted to v.p. of generation.
NV Energy announced two senior leadership appointments. CFO Dilek Samil was named executive v.p. and COO. Jonathan S. Halkyard joined the company as executive v.p. and CFO. Previously, Halkyard was executive v.p. and CFO for Caesars Entertainment.
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) appointed Jesus Soto Jr. as senior v.p. of gas transmission, operations, engineering, and pipeline integrity. Previously, he was v.p. of operations services for El Paso Corp.’s pipeline group.
American Electric Power named Alberto Ruocco as v.p. and CIO. Ruocco was CIO of BlueStar Energy Solutions, a retail subsidiary recently acquired by AEP. Ruocco replaces Pablo A. Vegas, who became president and COO of AEP Ohio in March.
Chesapeake Utilities appointed Matthew M.Kim as v.p. of the company. He was assistant v.p. Also, William D. Hancock became assistant v.p. of Peninsula EnergyServices, a subsidiary of Chesapeake. Previously, he was a director of supply and risk marketing for Inergy LP.
NiSource Gas Transmission & Storage appointed Georgia Carter to the company’s leadership team as senior v.p. of rates and regulatory affairs for Columbia Gas Transmission, Columbia Gulf Transmission, and Crossroads Pipeline. Previously she was Dominion Resources’ deputy general counsel for gas transmission and distribution.
Duquesne Light Co. named Tishekia E. Williams as senior counsel for regulatory affairs. She most recently served as Exelon’s assistant general counsel.
Associations:The Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) board of directors elected two of its three officer positions: Ervan Hancock, manager of renewable and green strategies for Georgia Power, was named vice chairman; and Matthew Cheney, CEO of CleanPath Ventures, became treasurer. David Rubin, director of service analysis for PG&E, continues as chairman.
The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) elected James H. Lash—president of FirstEnergy Generation and chief nuclear officer for FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co.—to its board of directors for a one-year term.
Boards of Directors: Southern Company elected E. Jenner Wood III to its board of directors. Wood currently is chairman, president, and CEO of SunTrust Bank’s Atlanta division.
Piedmont Natural Gas appointed Phillip D. Wright to its board of directors. He was a senior v.p. for the Williams Companies.
OwnEnergy appointed Ron Rebenitsch to the company’s board of directors. He most recently served as an executive for Basin Electric.
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