New Opportunities: AGL Resources created a new office of technology and environmental sustainability, to be headed by Ira Pearl as v.p. He was v.p., engineering services and supply chain. Jay Sutton is promoted to v.p., engineering and supply chain services from v.p. and general manager at AGL’s Florida City Gas and coastal Georgia subsidiaries. Melvin Williams is promoted to general manager, Florida City Gas and coastal Georgia from assistant general manager, coastal region.

Arizona Public Service named Mark A. Schiavoni as senior v.p. of fossil operations. He was v.p. of Exelon Generation and president of Exelon Power. He succeeds the retiring John Denman.
Exelon named Doyle N. Beneby as senior v.p., Exelon Power and senior v.p., Exelon Generation. He was v.p., operations for Exelon Power and succeeds Mark A. Schiavoni.
Fluor appointed Davee Dunning its new group president of power. He was senior v.p. of sales, marketing and strategic planning for Fluor’s global power business.
PPL named James E. Schinski as v.p., chief information officer. He was CIO and v.p. of human resources at Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator.