Fortnightly Magazine - November 2004

Commission Watch

FERC Versus Bankruptcy Jurisdiction:

Commission Watch

FERC Versus Bankruptcy Jurisdiction:

Two recent articles in the 1 discussed conflicts that have emerged in the last 18 months over the respective jurisdictions of bankruptcy courts under the Bankruptcy Code2 and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) under the Federal Power Act.3 This occurs when a debtor seeks the bankruptcy court's approval under Section 365(a) of the code4 to reject a wholesale electricity sales contract that is a FERC-jurisdictional rate.

Business & Money

Merchant plants now draw investors from three different worlds-each with its own agenda.

Business & Money

Merchant plants now draw investors from three different worlds-each with its own agenda.

It's tempting to chalk up the recent bubble in merchant generation to just another industry cycle, but there's more to consider. Investment in the industry was far from even, leaving some regions teeming with unused peaking plants while other regions continue to struggle with a need for capital investment.

Renewable Energy

Mandatory portfolio standards have different implications for different technologies.

Technology Corridor

Renewable Energy:

Mandatory portfolio standards have different implications for different technologies.

The federal government and several state governments are considering programs to increase the share of electricity produced by renewable generation resources to 20 percent or more. If these programs are implemented and pursued successfully, they will trigger a dramatic change in the role of renewable generation and the requirements placed upon it by the market.