
New Opportunities:
Fortnightly Magazine - August 2004
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New Opportunities:

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission appointed Joseph H. McClelland director of its Division of Reliability in the Office of Markets, Tariffs, and Rates. McClelland is general manager of the Custer Public Power District in Nebraska.

Colorado Gov. Bill Owens appointed Carl Miller, a state representative, to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission (PUC). The reports that Miller cannot seek re-election because of term limits.

Elaine Ziemba is the new federal af-fairs representative for CMS Energy. Zi-emba's 20 years of government relations experience includes time with NRG Energy Inc., Northern States Power Co., and American Gas Association.

Carl L. English joined American Electric Power (AEP) as president of AEP Utilities. John B. Keane joined AEP as president, general counsel, and secretary.

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George Earle was elected to his third 1-year term as president of the U.S. Fuel Cell Council. Earle is the director of hydrogen infrastructure for Plug Power Inc.

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