Fortnightly Magazine - April 2004

Technology Corridor

Smaller systems aren't cost-effective.

Technology Corridor

Smaller systems aren't cost-effective.

It's time for a reality check on the commercial viability of wind farms. Are large wind systems more economical than small wind systems?

LNG Rising

Despite development challenges, LNG capacity is destined to play a bigger role in the U.S. energy mix.

Despite development challenges, LNG capacity is destined to play a bigger role in the U.S. energy mix.

When MidAmerican Energy announced its plans to build a pipeline to bring stranded Alaskan natural gas into the lower-48 states, the U.S. energy industry stood up and took notice. If successful, the project will bring the largest infusion of gas that this country has seen in many years-and not a moment too soon.

The Case Against Gas Dependence

Greater reliance on gas-fired power implies serious economic, technological, and national security risks.

Greater reliance on gas-fired power implies serious economic, technological, and national security risks.

Over the past two decades, the United States has, by default, come to rely on an "In Gas We Trust" energy policy. Natural gas increasingly has been seen as the preferred fuel for all applications, nowhere more than in the electric generation sector. However, the greatly increased use of natural gas forecast for the electricity sector may not be economically or technically feasible, and it does not represent optimal or desired energy policy.