Off Peak

In this Fortnightly parody, Interfaith Power & Light employees and users gather to celebrate a milestone.
Fortnightly Magazine - August 2003
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In this Fortnightly parody, Interfaith Power & Light employees and users gather to celebrate a milestone.

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"Maine Interfaith Power & Light announced Wednesday that it has enrolled 1,000 customers in its environmentally friendly electricity program since launching it on Jan. 23. This customer base is the largest ever for a fully renewable electricity offering in Maine." -Portland Press Herald, June 26, 2003

Zealous disciples of the gospel of "green energy" gathered in Maine recently, rejoicing that Maine Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) had achieved its goal of 1,000 customers for its environmentally friendly renewable energy program.

The service brought together organizers and customers from other faith-based energy programs across the country, including green-energy initiatives in California, Ohio, Michigan, and Georgia. Those who traveled to the service were encouraged to use fuel-efficient vehicles.

Dressed in shorts and wearing Birkenstocks, the worship participants sang lyrics off a large screen at the front of a wooded outdoor pavilion, projected using solar power. Selections included "Send the Light!" "Shine, Jesus, Shine" and "Zaccheas Climbed the Tree."

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