
Presenting a new look and new editorial content for 2003.
Fortnightly Magazine - January 1 2003
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Fortnightly: A New Frontier

Presenting a new look and new editorial content for 2003.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

In this Jan. 1, 2003, issue, Public Utilities Fortnightly magazine takes pause in this column from its energy industry commentary to tell readers about several important developments at the magazine.

In its 70-year history, Fortnightly has built its reputation on seeking out the truth through its investigation and understanding of events and issues, by being a place for knowledge and scholarship, and a medium for intellectual discourse within the energy industry. These values are at the heart of the magazine.

Furthermore, as the energy industry has continued to grow and evolve, so has the amount of information and analysis that our readers require. It has also been a Fortnightly tradition to respond to our readers changing needs, to pursue new frontiers.

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