Off Peak

We All Liked Working in the Energy Industry in 2002
Fortnightly Magazine - December 2002
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Top 10 Reasons

We All Liked Working in the Energy Industry in 2002

10. After all those tales of wild parties at Enron, our spouses started to think we must be sexy, after all.
9. It was really fun to walk around all year as the poster child for corporate corruption in America.
8. Job security is for ninnies.
7. The press finally noticed utilities! We're famous!
6. It was really nice to see the conspiracy theorists so happy because they could prove market manipulation.
5. Who doesn't enjoy doing the work of three people with no raise or bonus in sight?
4. We so enjoyed dodging all the bricks that regulators kept throwing at us.
3. Who needs the "The Weakest Link" when you could be watching "Disgraced CEOs on Parade" on CNN?
2. We weren't bored.
1. We wanted to work for the rest of our lives instead of retiring early, and now with our company's stock price in the toilet, we will.

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