
Advanced grid technologies are needed to realize FERC's standard market vision.
Fortnightly Magazine - October 1 2002
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It's the Grid, Stupid!



Advanced grid technologies are needed to realize FERC's standard market vision.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Could there be light ahead at the end of the tunnel for the U.S. power industry? With its bold proposed rulemaking on Standard Market Design (SMD), FERC has brought the arduous restructuring process to a climactic phase. Moving well beyond the general principles of Orders 888 and 2000, the proposed rule could well represent-as Chairman Wood likes to characterize it-the "final book of the trilogy." Importantly, FERC's proposal brings welcome and overdue attention to the power industry's biggest unmet challenge: How to bring innovation and investment into our nation's overtaxed and antiquated transmission system. Indeed, if today's ongoing power crisis could be reduced to a bumper sticker, it might read: "It's the Grid, Stupid!"

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