People (June 1, 2002)

Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 2002
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Former U.S. Senator Slade Gorton has joined the board of directors of the Electricity Innovation Institute (E2I). E2I also named current board members Susan Tierney to serve as chairperson, and Linda Stuntz to serve as vice chair.

The National Hydropower Association presented Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) with its Legislator of the Year award for his efforts to achieve effective and fair hydropower legislation.

The New York Power Authority honored Shalom Zelingher, director, and Misak Krikorian, senior engineer, of the research and technology development unit of NYPA, for their leadership in the development of a device for detecting problems in hydroelectric power generators. The device, named the HydroTrac, was developed under the auspices of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Zelingher and Krikorian also received the 2001 Technology Transfer Award from EPRI for their work on the project.

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