Olympics Index


Utilities and the Games.

Fortnightly Magazine - March 1 2002
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10,000-Number of cubic feet of gas consumed each hour by the Olympic flame cauldron at the University of Utah's Rice‑Eccles Stadium during the 2002 Salt Lake City winter Olympic games. -Source: Questar Gas

Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

77 million-Number of cubic feet of gas consumed by fleet of natural gas vehicles used during the 1996 Atlanta summer Olympics. American Gas Association Clean Air Team member companies donated the gas and a portion of the fleet of vehicles to the Atlanta games. -Source: American Gas Association

10-Number of natural gas‑powered Zamboni ice‑resurfacing machines used at the various ice venues at the 2002 Salt Lake City winter Olympics. -Source: Questar Gas

$5.5 million-Investment by Atlanta Gas Light in Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority natural gas‑fueled buses and natural gas refueling station since preparations began for the 1996 Atlanta summer Olympic games. -Source: Atlanta Journal Constitution

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