A response to "Frontlines," Feb. 1, 2002.
Paul B. Scott, Stuart Energy USA
Dear Editor:
Kudos to you for your well‑developed editorial ("Forgetting Someone, Mr. Secretary?" Frontlines, Feb. 1, 2002), pointing out that the administration's announcement is not quite half baked, and that the utilities are key to the implementation of a hydrogen fueled transportation initiative.
I had not been aware of the recent Chauncey Starr paper, and would appreciate a specific reference so that we can read it.
You may want to take a look at a study recently completed by the California Fuel Cell Partnership (CFCP), which suggested the installation of 500 fueling stations in California to meet the needs of some 40,000 cars by the end of this decade, and estimated the capital cost at $225 million. The equivalent nationwide would cost a few billion dollars.