No bibliography ever looked so good.
There is a large body of literature in business magazines and trade newsletters examining the spectacular transformation of Enron from a gas pipeline business into a "Fortune 10" company.

Beyond periodical press coverage, though, there exists a wealth of literature in the form of books and studies highlighting the legendary success of Enron.
This annotated list offers a sample of the books on Enron's celebrated history. It aims to serve as a foundation for any scholar eager to develop an expanded bibliography of the available information resources on this seminal American corporation.
Resource: Ghemawat, Pankaj and David Lane, 2000. Enron: Entrepreneurial Energy. Cambridge: Harvard Business School Publishing.
Highlights: Harvard Business School's Ghemawat, formerly a consultant at Jeff Skilling's old employer, McKinsey & Company, and Lane provide a 24-page case study of how the "entrepreneurial" Enron capitalized on deregulation in the energy industry from 1990-1999. Strength: Faculty from Skilling's alma mater showcase how yet another alum successfully re-engineers a major American company.