Overcapacity ... Just Part of the Cycle of Growth


The industry has moved beyond the debate.

Fortnightly Magazine - February 15 2002
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Steve Mitnick's response ("Overbuilding? Fuhgeddaboutit!", Public Utilities Fortnightly, Jan. 15) to my Nov. 15 article extended the great industry debate over whether the recent power plant construction boom would result in near-term over-supply. The only problem is, the industry has moved on. The debate is over, at least in the near-term. Even taking into account the recent acceleration of cancellation notices, most markets will face some level of excess capacity as a result of the current power plant construction boom. That does not mean that new plant developers are doomed. It just means it's going to be harder going than they had hoped.

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