People (Jan. 15, 2002)

Fortnightly Magazine - January 15 2002
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Richard L. Rudman has been named to the new position of executive vice president at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). Rudman joined EPRI in 1973, and was named COO in 1996.

The National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) announced the election of Dr. Edward H. Salmon to serve as president of NARUC's Commissioners Emeritus. Salmon served six years as a state utility regulator and three years as president of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.

Commissioner Lila A. Jaber of the Florida Public Service Commission was elected as the next chairman of the PSC by her fellow commissioners, succeeding E. Leon Jacobs Jr., who had served as chairman since December 2000.

Catamount Energy Corp. announced that Lisa M. Robare has been named to the position of vice president, controller. Before joining Catamount, Robare was director of corporate accounting for USGen New England Inc., the Boston regional office of PG&E Generating.

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