How a landmark case on landowner compensation could make or break the industry.
Wayne C. Lusvardi is Senior Real Estate Representative, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Mr. Lusvardi has published articles on related topics in Right of Way, Appraisal Journal, and Real Estate Issues.
Charles B. Warren, ASA (Urban-Real Property), Warren and Warren, San Francisco, California, specializes in ad valorem appraisal, litigation valuation, cost-benefit studies, computer-assisted mass valuations, special purpose property valuations, and environmental and regulatory issues affecting real property valuation.
With the deregulation of telecommunications technologies and industries under the Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996, the perplexing issue of how to set a value on fiber optic cable easements is reaching has reached a legal, professional, and national critical mass.

And now, on May 30, in a landmark case in federal district court in Indiana, lawyers have sent out notices describing what promises to be the largest-ever settlement involving installation of fiber optic cable on right-of-way land. Another hearing is set for August 21 to review the fairness of the settlement, to make a final determination on its approval. (See sidebar, Farmers Get Piece of the Action.)