TVA Gets $7M, Then Zero in ‘99

Fortnightly Magazine - November 15 1997
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The House and Senate conference committee working on energy appropriations decided to cut funding for the Tennessee Valley Authority, then end it after 1998.

The Senate had proposed giving TVA $86 billion to fund nonenergy programs such as flood control and environmental programs (em $20 billion less than the amount proposed by the Clinton Administration. The House held out for less, agreeing to fund $70 million in 1998.

TVA Chair Craven Crowell said the $70 million, along with "carryover funds" from 1997, will allow TVA to meet its obligations. "TVA can provide these services better and less expensively than anyone else," he said.

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Lori A. Burkhart is an associate legal editor with Public Utilities Fortnightly.


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