Sound bites from state and federal regulators.
Electric Exit Fees. New Jersey board exempts General Motors Corp. from any exit fees imposed in the future to collect electric utilities' stranded costs, in connection with GM's plans to build a $2.2-million gas-fired cogeneration facility (PURPA-qualified) at its Linden auto assembly plant. GM said it had checked all laws and regulations and had found no current obligation to pay exit fees. Docket No. ET96090669, June 24, 1997 (N.J.B.P.U.).
Residential Gas Rates. Arkansas OKs settlement allowing Arkansas Oklahoma Gas Corp. to raise base rates by $3.5 million and cut interclass "subsidies" for residential customers. Approval is subject to three-year phase in for residential rate increase. Docket No. 96-420-U, Order No. 15, June 19, 1997 (Ark.P.S.C.).
Number Portability. Indiana adopts "Illinois Model" as "most logical and efficient" to implement number portability (to be available in state's largest cities in 1998) in opening local telephone market to competition. It also opened a new proceeding to address cost recovery and allocation issues. Case No. 39983, June 25, 1997 (Ind.U.R.C.).
Natural Gas Vehicle Tariffs. New Jersey allows Public Service Electric and Gas Co. to extend its natural gas vehicle fueling tariff permanently, finding environmental benefits. Tariff includes monthly customer charge of $50, plus uniform commodity rate of $0.4716 per therm. Docket No. GT97050368, July 11, 1997 (N.J.B.P.U.).