N.J. Extends Economic Development Programs

Fortnightly Magazine - September 15 1997
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The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has authorized Public Service Electric and Gas Co. to extend its existing economic development programs through July 1999.

The programs include construction and building credits for non-residential consumers who expand into newly leased or purchased vacant building space and increase their electric or gas energy use as a result. The program also includes an electric, off-peak employment service for non-residential customers that increase consumption of off-peak electricity as a result of increased employment levels.

According to the commission, the building utilization programs helped add 6,234 employees to the job roles, while the off-peak electric tariff produced 260 new jobs in the utility's service territory. Re Public Service Electric & Gas Co., Docket No. ER92030299J, June 11, 1997 (N.J.B.P.U.). t

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Phillip S. Cross is an associate legal editor of PUBLIC UTILITIES FORTNIGHTLY.


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