Parties Push DOE for Answers

Fortnightly Magazine - July 1 1997
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In response to an April 30 federal court order, parties suing the Department of Energy over nuclear waste storage have asked the court to require DOE to submit a detailed description within 30 days of its plan to begin removing radioactive waste from nuclear power plants.

Parties to the suit (em numbering 103 (em on May 7 also asked the court for permission to escrow more than $600 million in annual payments into the fund.

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In the April 30 order, the court ruled that petitions filed in the nuclear waste storage lawsuit against the DOE will be treated as petitions to compel DOE to comply with a previous court decision finding that DOE's obligation to begin storing nuclear waste begins Jan. 31, 1998. The court in effect put the case on a fast track.

The original petitioners had sued the DOE to protect payments into the Nuclear Waste Fund and to compel DOE to take the waste although no storage site has been chosen.


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