In Brief...

Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 1997
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Sound bites from state and federal regulators.

WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Green Pricing. Michigan allows Detroit Edison Co. to expand its existing experimental photovoltaic "green pricing" program, finding current solar capacity fully subscribed, with a waiting list for new participants. Case No. U-10893, March 27 1997 (Mi.P.S.C.).

NUG Contracts. Virginia permits Delmarva Power & Light Co. to amend purchased power contract with Star Enterprises, its principal nonutility supplier, by suspending capacity supply and payment obligations through May 31, 2000. Case No. PUE950089, March 14, 1997 (Va.S.C.C.).

Gas Transportation. Michigan oks Michigan Consolidated Gas Co.'s modification of its new residential and commercial transportation pilot program by removing a $25 fee it had imposed on customers who either change gas suppliers or return to system sales service. MCG had claimed the fee might discourage participation. Case No. U-11328, March 10, 1997 (Mi.P.S.C.).

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