Allegheny-Duquesne Merger Claims Billion-Dollar Savings

Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 1997
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Allegheny Power System Inc. will merge with DQE Inc., parent company of Duquesne Light Co., to form Allegheny Energy, which will save both companies about $1 billion over the next 10 years.

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The new company will have a total market capitalization of $10.6 billion: $6.2 billion in equity and $4.4 billion in net debt and preferred stock.

"Allegheny Power is a winter-peaking operation: Its low-cost, efficient operations and suburban and rural customer mix fit well with our summer-peaking operation and urban customer base," said David Marshall, President and CEO of DQE.

Marshall will become the new company's president and chief operating officer, while Alan J. Noia, currently CEO of Allegheny Power, will become the chair and CEO.

Cost Savings. The $1 billion in merger-related savings will come from elimination of overlapping activities, improved operating efficiency and lower capital costs. The company plans to eliminate about 500 positions through reduced hiring, attrition and early retirements.

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