Power Shortages Loom With Shutdowns

Fortnightly Magazine - June 15 1997
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Midwest and New England Are Threatened

To head off potential problems, states in the Midwest and New England are reacting now to impending plant shutdowns, which are threatening to cause serious electric supply shortfalls this summer.

The Midwest. The shutdown of Wisconsin's two nuclear plants, Kewaunee and Point Beach, is predicted to cause the state's worst power shortage. In addition, up to five coal-fired plants were scheduled for maintenance shutdowns. To deal with the anticipated shortage, the Wisconsin Public Service Commission on April 22 adopted an emergency plan.

EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

The PSC said broad emergency powers allow it to change rates on an emergency basis and to implement curtailment plans. Wisconsin PSC Chair Cheryl L. Parrino said the PSC must act now to reduce future impacts. "I do not want to sound like Chicken Little but I also do not want to get caught napping," Parrino said.

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