In an unprecedented act of unity, all 52 members of the California Congressional Delegation have written to the U.S. House Commerce Committee Chairman Thomas Bliley (R-Va.), requesting that Congress not interfere with California's efforts on electric restructuring when it tackles the question of federal policy on electric deregulation.
Congressional chairs Jerry Lewis (R-Redlands) and Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Los Angeles) released the letter, which requested Congress allow California to implement its own deregulation plan, as set out in California Assembly Bill 1890, enacted in September 1996.
"We are justifiably proud that California, which represents the seventh largest economy in the world, is at the vanguard of an unfolding issue," the representatives wrote. "We believe that the decisions made in California on utility restructuring and competition are the right ones for our state, and must have the opportunity to be fully implemented."
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