John Yurkanin was appointed senior v.p. of marketing and sales for LG&E Natural. Yurkanin joined LG&E in 1996 and served as senior v.p., producer services. Yurkanin will direct LG&E in expanding marketing presence with utilities and other marketers. Also at LG&E, Mark Stanger was appointed v.p., producer services. Stanger will direct service business, including contracting for new sources of gas supply and managing relationships with current suppliers.
Commissioner Hullihen Williams Moore will serve as chairman of the State Corporation Commission for the next year. Moore succeeds Theodore V. Morrison, Jr. in the annual rotation of the SCC's three commissioners.
UtiliCorp United named V.J. Horgan senior v.p. of power sales and marketing for its Aquila Energy subsidiary.
A. Karen Hill, formerly chief counsel of federal affairs and assistant corporate secretary at Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., was hired as staff v.p. and senior managing counsel for the American Gas Association.