N.J. Utility Raises Emissions Disclosure Issues

Fortnightly Magazine - April 15 1997
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Public Service Electric & Gas Co. has asked the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to impose mandatory environmental disclosure requirements on all power providers who wish to compete in the state's market.

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Specifically, the utility wants an environmental consumer protection standard requiring all sellers planning to compete in New Jersey periodically to disclose their system-wide emission rates or that of the source from which power is produced. The rate averages would apply to nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide particulates, and any other pollutants the state finds necessary to disclose.

Public Service Electric and Gas has recommended that those companies whose system-wide pollutant rates exceed New Jersey's allowed rates, be required to obtain emission credits. Also, the utility wants the environmental standards imposed as part of the state's electric deregulation rules. Public Service Electric and Gas made its recommendations as part of its final comments on restructuring. (em LB

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