Mass Ok's Price Cap for Gas LDC, Questions Revenues

Fortnightly Magazine - February 15 1997
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities has authorized the Boston Gas Co. to implement a performance-based rate plan that will include a price cap for monopoly services, using the "GDP-PI" measure of inflation, minus a productivity offset of 2 percent.

It also told Boston Gas to cut rates by $2.897 million but allowed the company to go forward on an interim basis with an plan to unbundle services and require customers or marketers to take manadatory assignment of a pro rata share of the company's upstream pipeline and storage capacity contracts.

At the same time, however, state regulators turned back a unique proposal by the company to "buy-back" interruptible transportation service by replacing an existing margin-sharing formula for the interruptible revenues with a permanent $2-million reduction in base rates.

Unbundling. The unbundling plan would allow aggregation of firm load and represents an initial step by the LDC to "exit the merchant function" of the business. (The LDC's corporate parent, Eastern Enterprises, Inc., had recently formed a new energy marketing subsidiary, ALLEnergy Marketing Co.)

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