
Fortnightly Magazine - January 1 1997
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

The Texas PV Coalition has been formed to speed commercial availability of photovoltaic systems as a service alternative to extending utility lines. The coalition, which will be managed by Planergy, Inc., an independent energy service company, includes Rio Grande Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Wise Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Tri-County Electric Cooperative, Inc.; and Lubbock Power & Light. Funding to the tune

of $250,000 was provided by the Utility Photovoltaic Group (backed by the U.S. Department of Energy) and the Texas State Energy Conservation Office.

The City of Palo Alto Electric Utility will invest $2 million in a 20-mile dark-fiber network around the municipality, providing access to competitive local exchange companies, cable companies, cellular and PCS providers, businesses, and schools. The project should break even within three to five years; profit will then run about $1 million annually.

QST Enterprises, Inc. has opened a regional office in Houston, TX, so that subsidiary QST Energy can provide wholesale energy transactions and environmental services. QST will also provide more customer services in the future.

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