Mexican Dispute Could Involve FERC

Fortnightly Magazine - January 15 1997
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EEI Annual Meeting 2024 - June 18-20

Salt River Project (SRP) says it may ask the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to resolve a dispute with El Paso Electric Co. regarding electric transmission access to Mexico, including the question of whether FERC Order 888 should apply to foreign energy sales.

The dispute concerns how much power El Paso Electric will agree to wheel to Mexico for SRP, which had won the right on November 7 to provide 200 megawatts (mWs) of power to the City of Juarez, Mexico, on condition that within ten days it could gain transmission access to the Mexican Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE). Relations then broke down.

El Paso Electric claims that SRP, by its own admission, failed to take into account all transmission constraints and all costs associated with ancillary services needed to comply with its bid to Juarez and the CFE.

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