In Brief...

Fortnightly Magazine - November 1 1996
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Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs

Sound bites from state and federal regulators.

LDC Certificates. North Carolina assigns currently unfranchised natural gas service territories. Awards certificates of public convenience and necessity. Docket No. G-100, Sub 69, Aug. 16, 1996 (N.C.U.C. 1996).

Externality Benefits. Utility should not include "net social benefits" when calculating shareholder incentive award. Docket No. G-011/M-95-1372, Aug. 1, 1996 (Minn.P.U.C.).

Area Code Shortage. California permits carriers to assign new area codes ("overlay") instead of splitting code territories. R.95-04-043, Decision 96-08-028, Aug. 2, 1996 (Cal.P.U.C.).

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