Sound bites from state and federal regulators.
LDC Certificates. North Carolina assigns currently unfranchised natural gas service territories. Awards certificates of public convenience and necessity. Docket No. G-100, Sub 69, Aug. 16, 1996 (N.C.U.C. 1996).
Externality Benefits. Utility should not include "net social benefits" when calculating shareholder incentive award. Docket No. G-011/M-95-1372, Aug. 1, 1996 (Minn.P.U.C.).
Area Code Shortage. California permits carriers to assign new area codes ("overlay") instead of splitting code territories. R.95-04-043, Decision 96-08-028, Aug. 2, 1996 (Cal.P.U.C.).
Special Contracts. Washington increases rates and allows LDC to use deferred gas-cost accruals to fund capital projects. LDC agrees to base special contracts on incremental cash-flow analysis. Docket No. UG-950326, July 22, 1996 (Wash.U.T.C.).
Coal Tar Cleanup. New Jersey allows LDC to amortize prudently incurred costs associated with environmental remediation. Docket No. GR95090440, Aug. 1, 1996 (N.J.B.P.U.).
Delinquent Accounts. Utility credit to delinquent commercial customers does not constitute undue discrimination. Case No. U-10868, Aug. 1, 1996 (Mi.P.S.C.).t
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