Ohio Orders Open-access Gas Service

Fortnightly Magazine - September 1 1996
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While approving a proposal by Marbel Energy Corp., owner of an independent gas and oil production business, to acquire Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp., a natural gas local distribution company (LDC), and Ohio Intrastate Gas transmission Co., an intrastate gas pipeline, the Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has directed both the LDC and the pipeline to offer nondiscriminatory open access to all of their service offerings. The PUC explained that the open-access condition would further competition in the state's natural gas industry. It directed the LDC to notify its bundled supply and transportation customers that transportation service may be obtained at a price equal to the transportation component of sales service if a customer secures another source of gas. The PUC also removed Marbel Energy's affiliated production business from commission jurisdiction. Re Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Corp. et al., Case Nos. 96-59-GA-UNC et al., May 30, 1996 (Ohio P.U.C.).


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