Electric Restructuring: To and Fro

Fortnightly Magazine - July 15 1996
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

Two more states at opposite ends of the country have acted substantively on electric utility restructuring (em one moving full speed ahead toward unbundling of wholesale "merchant" services, the other seeking to slow down the transition to retail wheeling.

The Nevada Public Service Commission (PSC) has released draft sections of a report on electric industry restructuring that was scheduled to go to the state legislature in June. The PSC asked for comments on the completed sections of the report covering engineering and system reliability issues as well as economic and accounting issues related to unbundling of utility rates and services.

The PSC also directed the parties to the case to develop an unbundled tariff for "merchant function" services, defined as:


"The procurement of power (generation), power delivery (transmission and distribution), control area services (e.g., scheduling, dispatching, load following, etc.), billing and collection services, and the resale of those services to individuals or groups of end-use electricity consumers."

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