Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 1996

CSW Communications Become First Exempt Telco

On April 4, less than two months after the Telecommunications Act of 1996 was enacted, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granted the first application allowing a public utility holding company, CSW Communications, Inc., to enter telecommunications markets (FCC 96-152). CSW is now an "exempt telecommunications company." The FCC noted that the entrance of utility companies as new competitors could result in lower prices and wider choices for consumers.

Unions: Odd Man Out?


"The short answer is 'yes'. . . . Utilities think they have to cut their costs in order to compete. The easiest way to cut costs is to downsize, get rid of people . . . which means they stop doing the work. And the result is a threat to the reliability of service.

NRC Reconsiders Decommissioning Funding

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is considering revising its regulations on nuclear plant decommissioning funding. Under current NRC regulations, adopted in 1988, an electric utility may set aside decommissioning funds annually over the estimated life of a plant. In a deregulated environment, however, a nuclear power licensee could lose its regulated rate base as a source to fund the balance of decommissioning expenses.