
Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 1996
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) plans to take its first-ever private company partner to convert the Bellefonte Nuclear Plant. The two-unit plant, near Hollywood, AL, will likely be finished as a gas-fired facility. The decision not to complete the units as nuclear plants ended a 28-year policy of nuclear construction at TVA.

South Carolina Electric & Gas Co. began operating its $411-million, 385-Mw Orangeburg County plant January 15.

Pending the approval of state regulators, Puget Sound Power & Light Co. and Washington Energy Co. will become Puget Sound Energy. The new company will serve more than 1.3 million natural gas and electric customers.

Dover, DE, has struck a 10-year power-supply agreement with Duke Energy Corp. and Louis Dreyfus Electric Power, Inc. (Duke/Louis Dreyfus). The company will manage the city's generation facilities (175 Mw) and buy supplemental low-cost power from regional utilities. It also will participate in energy exchanges. The agreement provides the city with firm power at guaranteed prices through June 2006.

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