1996 Electric Stakeholders Forum

Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 1996
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Labor Unions

ManagementDeregulation isn't just for utilities anymore.


annual Electric Executive's Forum recognizes

the growing constituency of the electric

utility industry. Although utility executives

are still the industry's biggest players,

economists, consumer advocates, and union

representatives have taken more visible

positions on restructuring. More and more,

these opinion leaders help shape the debate.

That's why we asked them to participate,

side by side, with their utility counterparts.

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Cost or Benefit?

s Cherry Picking: Will large, moneyed, industrial customers grab the benefits of competition, leaving retail customers to pay more than they would without competition?

s Customer Transition Charges: Should stranded investment charges be assessed only on customers that take advantage of retail wheeling, or on all customers?

s Retail Wheeling: Do small (residential) customers want or even need it?

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