
Fortnightly Magazine - May 15 1996
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Aquila Power Corp., a UtiliCorp United subsidiary, has hired two executives to expand its market into the western United States. Timothy J. Culbertson, from Portland General Electric, will lead power marketing in the Pacific Northwest. David L. Metz will lead power marketing in the Southwest. Metz comes from Arizona Public Service Co.Consolidated Natural Gas Co. has named Bruce E. Plichta international financial analyst and James M. Mulcahy senior financial analyst. Plichta previously managed international investments for ABB Combustion Engineering; Mulcahy was v.p.-credit risk management at Bank of America-Illinois.

Allegheny Power has hired Michael A. Dandrea as marketing director. He was a General Electric regional manager. Thomas K. Henderson has been promoted to v.p. (legal) of Allegheny Power. He will continue as v.p. of the utility's three operating units.

Kenneth E. Welsh was promoted to marketing director at Equitable Gas, a division of Equitable Resources, Inc. Donald E. Vandenberg joined Equitable Resources Energy Co. as v.p.-engineering and operation. James L. Crist joined Equitable Resources, Inc. as marketing v.p.

Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. has a new engineering v.p.: Jay Thayer, formerly operations v.p. at Yankee Atomic, will oversee plant engineering and corporate engineering support.

Lyndel J. Wishcamper has been elected to the board of Central Maine Power Co. He fills the vacancy left by former chairman Carlton D. Reed, Jr., who retired.

Robert J. Grey, v.p., general counsel, and secretary for Pennsylvania Power & Light, has been promoted to senior v.p., general counsel, and secretary.

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