The Ohio Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has issued a proposed framework for competition in the local exchange telephone market. In a separate opinion, PUC chairman Craig A. Glazer noted that new market entrants in the state appear to be dominated by Time Warner. He added that the PUC must examine how to ensure that "the giants (em dominated by Ameritech and Time Warner (em can play in this market, while at the same time, not crush others at the outset and cause the creation of a duopoly."
The new regulatory framework retains the requirement that all providers seek and obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity before providing service. The proposal provides local exchange carriers (LECs) with an automatic triggering mechanism to force PUC review of the level of regulation applied to the incumbent carrier, based on the implementation of certain milestones such as resale, unbundling, and so on. New providers will be
permitted to define their own service areas based on