Maine Monitors Electric Telecom Ventures

Fortnightly Magazine - November 1 1995
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The Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has approved a settlement agreement governing restrictions on telecommunications ventures by Central Maine Power Co. Under the agreement, the utility must get PUC approval to enter the telecommunications market through a subsidiary except in the Northeast states and the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Qu‚bec. In contrast to rules exempting smaller electric ventures from certain filing requirements, the utility must file a project application for all telecommunications ventures, no matter how small. Re Central Maine Power Co., Docket No. 95-092, Aug. 1, 1995 (Me.P.S.C.). The PUC had earlier approved an agreement allowing the utility to engage in unregulated telecommunications activities within the state. Re Central Maine Power Co., Docket No. 95-092, July 13, 1995 (Me.P.S.C.).


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