Scientists Support SDG&E in EMF Case

Fortnightly Magazine - November 15 1995
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Fourteen scientists, the

American Medical Association, and the California Medical Association have filed briefs with the California Supreme Court stating that they find no link between cancer and electromagnetic fields (EMF) from electric transmission lines: "The physics and cellular biology, combined, strongly indicate that it is not scientifically reasonable to believe that 60 Hz magnetic fields increase the incidence of cancer." The briefs were filed in a case involving San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), which is being sued by the Covalt family, who claim that EMF from power lines has devalued their luxury home in San Clemente. The Covalts are appealing a trial court finding that the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) has exclusive jurisdiction over power line design, safety, and siting. The CPUC ruled that alleged risks from EMF are too speculative to warrant any corrective or preventive measures for existing power lines.


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