Utah Approves Sale of Telephone Exchange, Allocates Gain

Fortnightly Magazine - October 1 1995
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future
The Utah Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved the sale of several local telephone exchanges by

U S WEST to South Central Utah Telephone Association, and also approved an agreement governing the rate treatment for the associated gain to U S WEST. The rate agreement allows U S WEST to retain for shareholders a portion of the gain on the sale in return for an obligation to pay for certain system upgrades and reduce the sales price for other transfers currently under consideration by the PSC. In addition, the carrier must allocate to shareholders certain debt restructuring expenses that will lower its cost of capital to the benefit of all ratepayers. Re U S WEST Communications, Inc. et al, Docket Nos. 94-049-02 and 94-052-01, June 30, 1995 (Utah P.S.C.); Re U S WEST Communications, Inc., Docket No. 94-049-08, May 9, 1995 (Utah P.S.C.)


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