Nevada Delays Merger

Fortnightly Magazine - September 15 1995
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Report - Grid Investment for Medium & Heavy Duty EVs
The Nevada Public Service Commission (PSC) has postponed further hearings indefinitely on the proposed merger between Sierra Pacific Power Co. (SPP) and Washington Water Power Co. (WWP). According to Commissioner Judy

Sheldrew, postponement was warranted because a press release issued by the State Consumer Advocate may have raised additional issues that need to be considered by the PSC: "Since the [PSC] and many of the other parties have not had an opportunity to analyze or respond to the contents of the press release, we must allow additional time for all parties to review and comment."Sheldrew added that SPP already had expressed concern that the premature and incomplete release of details of the proposed settlement might provoke negative reaction in the financial community. Sheldrew noted that commissioners in other states were concerned over how the merger savings would be distributed between Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, and California.

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