Nuclear Storage at Issue iin Minnesota Decommissioning Case

Fortnightly Magazine - August 1995
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The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) has reaffirmed an earlier decision

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14.8 years of service to two Prairie Island nuclear units owned by Northern States Power Co. The PUC turned back claims that it should shorten the remaining life estimate because the utility might be unable to secure offsite storage for spent fuel from the plant. Despite a "real possibility that NSP's nuclear units at Prairie Island will be shut down by 2002," the PUC found the potential storage problem too uncertain to justify moving up the retirement date and increasing required accruals by $10 million. Re Northern States Power Co., Docket Nos. E-002/D-93-504, E-002/d-94-635, May 30, 1995 (Minn.P.U.C.).


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