NGV Program Gets Rate Support in WVA

Fortnightly Magazine - July 1 1995
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The West Virginia Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved a request by the state's natural gas local distribution companies (LDCs) to extend a statewide natural gas vehicle (NGV) program first approved in 1992. It rejected claims that ratepayer funding for the programs should be discontinued because the LDCs had not earned enough revenues from the NGV activities to cover the cost of the programs, or that the programs had diverted utility investment from more important projects, such as meter upgrades.

The PSC observed significant progress in forming an NGV infrastructure for the state and said that state law did not require a positive cost-benefit result. However, it modified the program to ensure that all revenues are credited to ratepayers during and beyond the two-year extension, so that they can recover their investment in NGV infrastructure and development. Re Hope Gas, Inc. et al., Case No. 9400787-G-PC, Apr. 28, 1995 (W.Va.P.S.C.).


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