
Fortnightly Magazine - June 1 1995
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Richard J. Grossi, chairman and CEO of United Illuminating Co., has been elected chairman of the North American Reliability Council. Grossi will serve a two-year term.

Thomas L. Fisher, president and CEO of Northern Illinois Gas Co. has been elected chairman of the Gas Research Institute's board of directors. Fisher will serve a one-year term, along with newly elected vice chairman, John F. Riordan, president and CEO of MidCon Corp.

Chairman Thomas G. Young has resigned from the New York Power Authority to become COO at KCI Long Distance Inc., a telecommunications company in Syracuse, NY.

Consolidated Natural Gas Co. has named William F. Fritsche senior v.p. of distribution and a member of the executive office. Fritsche will also continue as president of The East Ohio Gas Co.

Craig Elias will succeed William A.

Kellstrom as president and COO of NorAm Energy Services. He was previously executive v.p. of marketing and gas supply at Coastal Gas Marketing.

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Derek C. Hathaway has been elected a director of Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. and the utility's new holding company, PP&L Resources, Inc. Hathaway is president and CEO of Harsco Corp., a diversified manufacturing company.

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