Gerald E. Putman was made senior v.p. of a new customer service business unit at New York State Electric & Gas Corp. The unit will be responsible for all customer service functions, from answering calls to engineering and installing new services. Putman was v.p., fuel supply and operations services.
City Gas Co. of Florida, a subsidiary of NUI Corp., named Jeffry Householder v.p., marketing. He previously was utility administrative manager for Tallahassee Utilities.
Nancy Whorton George was named v.p, government affairs, for El Paso Natural Gas Co. James R. McCotter was named v.p. and deputy general counsel. He will assume administrative responsibility for the company's legal affairs.
NRG Energy Inc., an IPP and subsidiary of Northern States Power Co., named Julie A. Jorgensen v.p. and general counsel. She replaces Thomas A. Micheletti, who was promoted to v.p., public and government affairs for NSP. James J. Bender was elected assistant general counsel and corporate secretary. Craig A. Mataczynski was elected v.p., U.S. business development, and Renee A. Jakubiak was promoted to managing director, strategic planning.