FERC Eases PURPA/FPA Regulatory Burden

Fortnightly Magazine - February 15 1995
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WESCO - Helping Public Power Utilities Build the Power Grid of the Future
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved a final rule streamlining regulations in the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978 and the Federal Power Act (parts I and II) that affect securities issued by public utilities, rate filings by public utilities, and procedural and technical rules governing qualifying facilities (QFs) (Docket No. RM92-12-000). The changes aim to reduce the regulatory burden on the QF industry. First, the technical standards requirement for QFs will be based on a 12-month period, beginning with the date the facility first produces electric energy, and thereafter on a calendar-year basis. Second, all QF applications will use a new standardized application form (No. 566). Third, the FERC

will codify its precedent on qualifying transmission lines and interconnections. t

Lori A. Burkhart is an associate legal editor of PUBLIC UTILITIES FORTNIGHTLY.


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